What is STEER?
STEER Thailand is an annual 2-week overseas learning trip that introduces participants to Assets Based Community Development (ABCD) in action. ABCD makes development sustainable by empowering communities through their assets and strengths.
This year, if the COVID 19 situation would allow for it, we will try to hold STEER in a new hybrid format where the Singapore delegation will converge, and video call our various international partners. STEER 2022 promises to be a fruitful experience, equipping them with the practical skill sets required for them to step up and strengthen their own communities through a bottom-up approach, such as community mapping and giving them an opportunity to see how these skills are actually being practiced in real life.
Planning for STEER 2022 is still underway, and more details will be released soon, so do stay tuned!
AMSA SG’s inaugural STEER Thailand trip was held in late-December 2019 to early-January 2020. The trip featured visits to various organizations and cities in Thailand and included a homestay at a hilltribe. Participants visited the Thai-Myanmar and the Thai-Laos (Golden Triangle) borders, and learnt how Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is applied in an international context. Participants also had an opportunity to see how community development activities are applied in the context of rural communities, migrants and refugees.