Marketing is involved in creating strategies to publicize AMSA SG, as well as manage the various publicity platforms such as the website, Instagram and Facebook pages. This year, we endeavor to raise awareness about AMSA SG and shed light on what life is like as a medical student, to Junior College and Polytechnic students, by launching an outreach programme.

The Outreach Programme aims to increase the accessibility of Medicine as a course of study to all interested students. Currently, information relating to undergraduate Medicine is often relayed via word-of-mouth and other informal platforms, which is heavily dependent on one's background and environment. By reaching out to all Junior Colleges and Polytechnics across Singapore, this programme seeks to increase the transparency of information dissemination relating to Medical school. This will include but is not limited to; admissions, academic curriculum and life as a medical student. Ultimately, one's aptitude and attitude towards wanting to become a doctor should not be stifled simply because we did not know the right people or had the right mentors. In launching this ambitious project, AMSA SG aims to expand opportunities to pre-tertiary individuals and in so doing, raise awareness in the good work that our organisation is constantly involved in.