AMSA International Day

AMSA International Day, 2015

“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever." - Kofi Annan

AMSA International Day is an annual project of AMSA International, and for this year, the theme will take reference to upcoming Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) Singapore 2015: Geriatric Medicine – Embracing the Silver Tsunami. The 36th AMSC Singapore would be held on 5-12 July 2015 in Singapore.

“All in all, this was not only a great experience in bonding the members of AMSA Singapore, it also raised the profile of AMSA within the school and gave us the opportunity to serve our community. Spending time with our residents helped us understand the issues that they face, and what we can do for them both medically and non-medically. What was most valuable for them and ourselves included was the time spent in good company and faith” 

Logesh, Year 4 Medical Student