EAMSC 2016 Taiwan Adventures Day 3!!!

Never would i have thought that I would be having the opportunity to attend a lecture given by a professional Contemporary Clown!

What is a Contemporary Clown? Well they are pretty much as much as a normal clown that you have grown up knowing but minus the baggy costumes and face-paint and add in a whole lot of teaching of life and moral lessons through laughter and fun. Today our delegates learnt that the environment one grows up in should never determine how the person grows up to become. Our professional clown lecturer grew up in Europe and due to the high occurrence of cancer in his hometown, the place always had a sad and dark atmosphere to it. However, he did not let his environment get the better of him and hence set off to learn the trades of a clown in hopes of bringing back joy and laughter to the sick in his hometown. Now he holds workshops all over the globe to share about his mission to bring smiles and warmth back to the sick all over the world.

After a brief technical tour in National Defense Medical College, where our delegates were showed how 3D printing is used in medical sciences and how virtual reality is a growing medium for rehabilitation, we set off to one of the tallest buildings in the world, Taipei 101. The trip from the lobby of the building to the apex took only 45 seconds on an elevator that was going at 600m/min. Upon reaching the observation deck of the tower, we were greeted with a spectacular view over the city of Taipei. We also were able to see that wind damper that was the core mechanism that was keeping the building firm and upright in spite of the fast winds.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the Academic Competitions and a few of our delegates are going to be participating in it. Here is to wishing them all the best and tune in tomorrow for day 4 of our adventure in Taiwan!

Photo featuring the view from the observatory deck of Taipei 101.